self-registration including identity check for volunteers to then apply for tasks that they are eligible to deliver
Our Volunteer Portal allows volunteers to register themselves, validate their own identity and store their own data securely on a volunteer passport. They can then use their volunteer passport to automatically complete an application form or simply share their data with a recruiter.
Recruiters of volunteers can advertise their tasks and ensure that only eligible volunteers are invited to apply i.e. they have the right training, role experience, gender or live in right geography. Recruiters can receive an application or view data to form their short list of candidates.
Trainers of volunteers can advertise their courses and ensure that only eligible volunteers are invited to sign-up. Once a volunteer successfully completes a training course then the trainer can write their certification to the volunteer passport
The following diagram is a conceptual model from one of our reference sites - Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB.
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