We do Place-based software

Co-producing our digital products that focus on self-care, early-help & prevention 

to improve quality of life and save the public purse.

CoProducing your Digital Solution

Our 6D agile co-production method is trusted by the public & third sector and takes one step at a time to minimise costs, ensure all stakeholders are on-board and that the product is delivering the benefits before scaling.  

If you have a problem that you think could be improved  through digitising it then make an enquiry. We will offer you our expert opinion for free and if we think there is a product to be developed will offer you a free half way consultation with a quote for the Discovery & Definition steps.

If you work with us to co-produce a new digital product or enhance one of our existing products then you will become one of our reference sites earning credits on any of our solutions.

6D CoProduction Method
  • DISCOVERY:  understand the issue
  • DEFINITION: scope the solution
  • DESIGN: specify the look and feel
  • DECISION: ensure a valid case exists
  • DEVELOPMENT: create an MVP
  • DELIVERY: pilot and scale a solution

Our Current Product Suite

Directory of Services

collecting from many sources, assuring accuracy, categorising and making available to many frontline applications

Finder Tools

allowing residents and professionals to find and share services from our App or existing websites

ND Pathway manager

triaging, signposting people to early support and referring cases for assessment of ASD

Contact us

We are happy to discuss the potential for any of our products to support the needs of your residents/clients so that your statutory services are reserved for those that really need them